Duces in lumina industria praedicere industria situ pro MMXXIV

Est MMXXIV adhuc difficile? Quid mutationes non fieri in luminatione industria in MMXXIV? Quod genus progressionem trend erit praesens? Est ut patet nubibus et videte solem aut futurum adhuc incertum? Quid si hoc facere in MMXXIV? Ut si nos Respondeo ad challenges? At the beginning of the new year, China Light Network and the China Lighting Electrical Appliances Association sincerely invite lighting professionals who have been working in the industry for many years to look forward to 2024 together.They combine various signs of industry development before, and based on their understanding of the overall development status of the environment and analysis of the logical laws of economic development, make some basic judgments and suggestions for everyone's reference.

Jhty-(IX) XXV (I)

General procurator of Longt dixit:Verbum "fiducia 'est adhuc usus. We believe that the development of the industry will continue to improve, and we must always be full of confidence.How can one trust others without self-confidence?If we ourselves do not believe in the lighting industry and the future of the industry we are in, we cannot make others trust us.The current changes and market reshuffle are temporary, and enterprises should adjust their strategic direction in a timely manner to respond and make steady progress, actively seek to expand resources and channels, and take In marte ad impetes studere in nationalibus Politiae, opportune subsidiis relevant negotiis circa National belli et balteum et via belli, et bene layout novum negotium trends.

Jhty, (IX) XXV (II)

Et progressionem futuri conatibus erit magis hierarchica, cum ducens conatibus occupantem magis technicae et ingenii resources. Et accendentes industria et instanter necessitates ad plumbum, sicut Huawei, vere ducit ad industria scriptor progressionem, habens vocem, et providing altior tabulatis adlevatae et novum occasiones ad industria.

Jinhui lucendi sicut unus de luminatione industria manufacturer etiam occursum quaedam problems, sed opus habere fiduciam ut reperio solutio sicut generalis procurator L. Dixi.

Jhty-(IX) XXV (III)

Extrahi ex lightingchina.com

Post tempus: Apr-07-2024